39e lettre d'information
Le 22 décembre 2013,
Cher collègue,
Avant que l'année ne se termine, je vous adresse deux appels à communication, l'un pour la revue Genesis, l'autre pour le colloque fondateur de la Société européenne de démographie historique que vous avez sans doute reçu par ailleurs. L'occasion de vous inciter à participer massivement à cet événement qui voit enfin le jour.
Je souhaiterais également vous informer des problèmes de livraison du numéro 2013-1 des ADH "Normes de parentalité". Dans la précédente lettre, nous vous annoncions l'expédition prochaine de ce numéro à tous les abonnés. En fait, le numéro est sorti en octobre mais une trentaine d'entre nous seulement l'ont reçu. Il est par ailleurs depuis deux mois disponible sur Cairn. Malheureusement, il y a quelques jours Belin nous a informé de nouveaux retards. Je cite le courrier de notre correspondant chez Belin :
"Nous avons joué de malchance sur le routage de la revue ADH 2013-01. Au retard occasionné par l’actualisation des adhérents 2013 s’ajoute de notre côté le retard du à notre changement de système informatique qui chamboule temporairement toute notre organisation. Et si cela ne suffisait pas, nous sommes en période d’inventaire annuel."
Quoi qu'il en soit, en janvier vous recevrez ce volume. Par ailleurs, sachez que le numéro suivant (2013-2 "Populations de banlieue") est actuellement en maquette.
Enfin, je voudrais vous rappeler que le bureau de la SDH doit être renouvelé cette année (les abonnés ont reçu un courrier papier ces jours-ci). Vous avez jusqu'au 20 janvier pour déclarer votre candidature par courrier ou par mail ([email protected] et [email protected])
Il me reste à vous souhaiter de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.
Bien cordialement
Fabrice Boudjaaba
Appel à communication
Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
De : "conference"
> A : [email protected], [email protected]
> Copie à :
> Objet : Reminder: Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
> Dear Colleagues,
> It is our pleasure to announce the:
> Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of
> Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
> The conference will take place in Sassari/Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
> September 25-27, 2014
> The deadline for Submissions: 28th February 2014
> Instructions for Submitting a Paper
> 1. Submissions are made via the Online submissions at www.eshd.eu web
> page. The process for submitting papers is as follows: All authors are
> asked to submit both: a) a short abstract (max. 300 words) and b) either
> an extended abstract (2-4 pages, including tables) or a completed paper.
> 2. Extended abstracts must be sufficiently detailed to allow the
> session organizer to judge the merits of the paper, including a
> description of the topic to be studied, the theoretical focus, the data
> and research methods, and the expected findings. Alternatively, authors
> may submit completed papers for the organizer to review. If your
> submission is accepted in a regular session, you must upload the full
> paper by July 31, 2014. All papers will be available on PDF format at
> www.eshd.eu before the Conference to allow fruitful discussion.
> 3. The author making the submission must provide the full names,
> affiliations, and email addresses of all co-authors for each submission.
> 4. You can also propose a complete session. An organizer has to gather
> four speakers who will each present a paper on a related topic, a
> discussant who will start the discussion with a prepared comment on the
> papers and a chair. The roles of session organizer, chair and discussant
> can be fulfilled by the same or different persons. Every speaker should
> fill out the web pre-registration form. You should say YES to the
> question "Does your paper belongs to a complete session proposal?" and
> add please the session title at the end of your short abstract. Please
> submit them as soon as possible but before February 28.
> 5. At the ESHD 2014 only one submission as a first author is allowed;
> participants may however co-author other papers.
> Important Dates
> • February, 28, 2014 (Friday). Deadline for papers submission.
> • March, 2014. Authors are notified of papers accepted. Preliminary
> Program.
> • June, 29, 2014 (Sunday). Deadline for Conference Registration. Late
> registration will have extra charges.
> • July, 31, 2014 (Thursday). Deadline for sending completed papers.
> Final Program.
> • September, 25-27, 2014. I ESHD Conference in Alghero/Sassari,
> Sardinia, Italy.
> If you have questions, please contact [email protected] or
> [email protected] .
> Please feel free to forward/pass this information to other colleagues.
For a number of Genesis
Childhood and Gender in Time
voir la pièce jointe
The journal «Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche» calls for papersfor a special issue dedicated to “childhood and gender in time”.
The nature of childhood and its significance as a separate phase of life are at thecentre of a process of critical rethinking, which is generating new and challenging interdisciplinary research. We would like to explore the social construction of gender in childhood, from a transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, giving particular attention to the role of play, toys, and children’s literature. Our aim is to examine how gender norms and gender models have been formulated and propagated in different historical, geographical and cultural contexts, but also how those models have been appropriated, contested and possibly subverted. We are interested in the relationship
between the effort of regulating children and the “agency” that children are able to express, particularly in the context of a children’s peer culture, in which play (broadly understood) has a central role.
The main questions explored in the issue are:
How have ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ been understood and socially constructed through time?
How have toys, games, and children’s books contributed to construct specific gender
roles for children?
What role have they played in different pedagogical approaches and in political
interventions towards children?
How have gender models been played out, appropriated and resisted in different
social and historical contexts?
We are also interested in exploring historiographical and methodological questions
related to the topic.
Is it possible to identify continuities and fractures, contaminations and cultural
transfers in the way notions of gender have informed approaches to childhood and
education through time?
What kind of sources and approaches are most suitable to the investigation of the role
of play, toys and games in the construction of gender in childhood?
What kinds of sources allow studying how children have appropriated and
transformed (perhaps even subverted) gender norms through play?
(What is, for instance, the role of oral history, ego-history and ethnological
approaches in the study of childhood and gender?)
We encourage proposals exploring childhood and gender in history, through the
perspective of play, toys and children’s books. We welcome proposals, which will
allow us to adopt a long historical perspective, to explore different historical contexts
and to discuss diverse approaches to sources.
Proposals should include: title of the article, abstract (300 words maximum) and a
short biographical profile of the author. Submissions must be received by the 20th of
January 2014; all proposals should be sent by email to the editors of the special issue,
S t e f a n i a B e r n i n i ([email protected]) a n d A d e l i s a M a l e n a
([email protected]). The articles selected for publications (up to 50,000
characters, including spaces and notes) must be submitted in final form by the 15th of
May 2014. All articles will be subject to double-blind review prior to publication. Will
be considered for publication articles in Italian, French, English and Spanish.
Le 22 décembre 2013,
Cher collègue,
Avant que l'année ne se termine, je vous adresse deux appels à communication, l'un pour la revue Genesis, l'autre pour le colloque fondateur de la Société européenne de démographie historique que vous avez sans doute reçu par ailleurs. L'occasion de vous inciter à participer massivement à cet événement qui voit enfin le jour.
Je souhaiterais également vous informer des problèmes de livraison du numéro 2013-1 des ADH "Normes de parentalité". Dans la précédente lettre, nous vous annoncions l'expédition prochaine de ce numéro à tous les abonnés. En fait, le numéro est sorti en octobre mais une trentaine d'entre nous seulement l'ont reçu. Il est par ailleurs depuis deux mois disponible sur Cairn. Malheureusement, il y a quelques jours Belin nous a informé de nouveaux retards. Je cite le courrier de notre correspondant chez Belin :
"Nous avons joué de malchance sur le routage de la revue ADH 2013-01. Au retard occasionné par l’actualisation des adhérents 2013 s’ajoute de notre côté le retard du à notre changement de système informatique qui chamboule temporairement toute notre organisation. Et si cela ne suffisait pas, nous sommes en période d’inventaire annuel."
Quoi qu'il en soit, en janvier vous recevrez ce volume. Par ailleurs, sachez que le numéro suivant (2013-2 "Populations de banlieue") est actuellement en maquette.
Enfin, je voudrais vous rappeler que le bureau de la SDH doit être renouvelé cette année (les abonnés ont reçu un courrier papier ces jours-ci). Vous avez jusqu'au 20 janvier pour déclarer votre candidature par courrier ou par mail ([email protected] et [email protected])
Il me reste à vous souhaiter de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.
Bien cordialement
Fabrice Boudjaaba
Appel à communication
Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
De : "conference"
> A : [email protected], [email protected]
> Copie à :
> Objet : Reminder: Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
> Dear Colleagues,
> It is our pleasure to announce the:
> Call for Papers for the First Conference of the European Society of
> Historical Demography (ESHD) www.eshd.eu
> The conference will take place in Sassari/Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
> September 25-27, 2014
> The deadline for Submissions: 28th February 2014
> Instructions for Submitting a Paper
> 1. Submissions are made via the Online submissions at www.eshd.eu web
> page. The process for submitting papers is as follows: All authors are
> asked to submit both: a) a short abstract (max. 300 words) and b) either
> an extended abstract (2-4 pages, including tables) or a completed paper.
> 2. Extended abstracts must be sufficiently detailed to allow the
> session organizer to judge the merits of the paper, including a
> description of the topic to be studied, the theoretical focus, the data
> and research methods, and the expected findings. Alternatively, authors
> may submit completed papers for the organizer to review. If your
> submission is accepted in a regular session, you must upload the full
> paper by July 31, 2014. All papers will be available on PDF format at
> www.eshd.eu before the Conference to allow fruitful discussion.
> 3. The author making the submission must provide the full names,
> affiliations, and email addresses of all co-authors for each submission.
> 4. You can also propose a complete session. An organizer has to gather
> four speakers who will each present a paper on a related topic, a
> discussant who will start the discussion with a prepared comment on the
> papers and a chair. The roles of session organizer, chair and discussant
> can be fulfilled by the same or different persons. Every speaker should
> fill out the web pre-registration form. You should say YES to the
> question "Does your paper belongs to a complete session proposal?" and
> add please the session title at the end of your short abstract. Please
> submit them as soon as possible but before February 28.
> 5. At the ESHD 2014 only one submission as a first author is allowed;
> participants may however co-author other papers.
> Important Dates
> • February, 28, 2014 (Friday). Deadline for papers submission.
> • March, 2014. Authors are notified of papers accepted. Preliminary
> Program.
> • June, 29, 2014 (Sunday). Deadline for Conference Registration. Late
> registration will have extra charges.
> • July, 31, 2014 (Thursday). Deadline for sending completed papers.
> Final Program.
> • September, 25-27, 2014. I ESHD Conference in Alghero/Sassari,
> Sardinia, Italy.
> If you have questions, please contact [email protected] or
> [email protected] .
> Please feel free to forward/pass this information to other colleagues.
For a number of Genesis
Childhood and Gender in Time
voir la pièce jointe
The journal «Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche» calls for papersfor a special issue dedicated to “childhood and gender in time”.
The nature of childhood and its significance as a separate phase of life are at thecentre of a process of critical rethinking, which is generating new and challenging interdisciplinary research. We would like to explore the social construction of gender in childhood, from a transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, giving particular attention to the role of play, toys, and children’s literature. Our aim is to examine how gender norms and gender models have been formulated and propagated in different historical, geographical and cultural contexts, but also how those models have been appropriated, contested and possibly subverted. We are interested in the relationship
between the effort of regulating children and the “agency” that children are able to express, particularly in the context of a children’s peer culture, in which play (broadly understood) has a central role.
The main questions explored in the issue are:
How have ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ been understood and socially constructed through time?
How have toys, games, and children’s books contributed to construct specific gender
roles for children?
What role have they played in different pedagogical approaches and in political
interventions towards children?
How have gender models been played out, appropriated and resisted in different
social and historical contexts?
We are also interested in exploring historiographical and methodological questions
related to the topic.
Is it possible to identify continuities and fractures, contaminations and cultural
transfers in the way notions of gender have informed approaches to childhood and
education through time?
What kind of sources and approaches are most suitable to the investigation of the role
of play, toys and games in the construction of gender in childhood?
What kinds of sources allow studying how children have appropriated and
transformed (perhaps even subverted) gender norms through play?
(What is, for instance, the role of oral history, ego-history and ethnological
approaches in the study of childhood and gender?)
We encourage proposals exploring childhood and gender in history, through the
perspective of play, toys and children’s books. We welcome proposals, which will
allow us to adopt a long historical perspective, to explore different historical contexts
and to discuss diverse approaches to sources.
Proposals should include: title of the article, abstract (300 words maximum) and a
short biographical profile of the author. Submissions must be received by the 20th of
January 2014; all proposals should be sent by email to the editors of the special issue,
S t e f a n i a B e r n i n i ([email protected]) a n d A d e l i s a M a l e n a
([email protected]). The articles selected for publications (up to 50,000
characters, including spaces and notes) must be submitted in final form by the 15th of
May 2014. All articles will be subject to double-blind review prior to publication. Will
be considered for publication articles in Italian, French, English and Spanish.
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